A newly licensed driver costs far more than an experienced one, but there are some ways to diminish the effects on the wallet when a teenager gets behind the wheel. Doing some extra work will literally pay off in the end.
If a new driver cannot remain on his guardian’s insurance, he can plan ahead. Before going to get cheap auto insurance for new drivers, a driver can prove he is generally responsible. First, drivers should take a driving course. Many insurance companies are willing to lower rates if a class has been taken and the student did well. Getting good grades in school courses also can lead to discounts. In addition, some insurers offer tracking devices to be put in a vehicle, especially for those of high school students. These devices record driving habits such as sudden braking or accelerating, sharp turns, or other dangerous maneuvers. Discounts are available for customers who use these.
Do some pre-shopping. Asking several different companies about their coverage and policy options beforehand can lead to discovering more offers. Ask them about a cheap auto insurance for new drivers policy. According to Diane Dilov-Schultheis of eHow.com, there is a set way to go about auto insurance shopping. All personal and car information should be gathered before research begins. Know the year, make, model, and VIN number of the vehicle. What the car is used for, such as mileage to work, will be necessary as well. Calling companies with this information readily available will save time for everyone involved. The next step is to discuss with an agent what is mandatory within the state. Options change based upon the specific laws and an agent will know what these are.
While deciding upon a company, ask how much the deductible can be raised. The higher the deductible- the lower the monthly premium.
If purchasing a car for a young driver, being sensible and cheaper here can save money on the insurance as well as on car payments. Buying an older car which has more safety features rather than luxury will get a lower rate and will result in cheap auto insurance for new drivers; newer cars and sports cars always cost more to insure.
If remaining on a parent or guardian’s insurance plan, costs may be lowered by consolidating or making a few changes to the family car. Many home or life insurers offer a discounted rate if auto insurance is added. Combining all policies with one company can be cost effective. Adding theft protections and other preventative safety features to the vehicle also adds to an insurer’s willingness to give decreased rates. Dilov-Schultheis recommends using the car less. Less is more- a car in a driveway is less of a risk and more of a discount. A young driver saves money if he is under a family member’s plan. Those between twenty-five and fifty-five are considered the safest drivers and get the lowest rates.
Another note-worthy mention from the above is another type of bundling. If one does not wish to consolidate with home or life insurers, bundling multiple cars under one company and/or policy decreases payments.
Number eight on the site’s list is one which may not be considered. When one is shopping around, there is usually a reason a known company is overlooked. A shopper easily thinks he knows what is out there after all this comparing, but do not forsake the original option. Be as loyal as a dog. Loyalty is the most important suggestion of all twenty-five. If possible to stay with a company-do it! Holding out until reaching a year marker brings benefits. Loyalty programs are rampant within auto insurance companies.
There is a lot of information to sift through when a young driver needs new or improved insurance. New drivers are already experiencing a new responsibility. However, putting forth effort before the deadline has arrived will surely result in a fuller checkbook.